Support Us

Because we don’t sell tickets, we rely on donations and help from the general public and local businesses and organizations.

Victory in the Valley will be held at the Redbank Valley Municipal Park (Alcola Park). In order to make this event happen, we need to raise approximately $20,000. Funds need to be secured quickly so that we are able to proceed with booking our artists. To see our prospective line-up, please visit the artists page. There are many ways that you as a church, business or individual can support this event. Details of sponsorship are below. As you consider joining us in this venture, please be praying that Victory in the Valley would grow to become a great light in our community.

Sponsorship Levels All donations are 501( c )(3) tax deductible.

Level: Donation: Advertising Opportunities:
Gold Sponsor Donation of $1500 or more: signage, VIP stage announcements, acknowledgement on event t-shirt
Sliver Sponsor Donation of $1000 - $1499: signage, stage announcements, acknowledgement on event t-shirt
Bronze Sponsor Donation of $500 - $999: signage
Contributor Donation of any amount up to $500

If you or your organization is interested in donating, you may mail a check to c/o Carrie McIntire Grace Baptist Church 605 E Washington St New Bethlehem PA 16242 or use the below button to donate online.

In-Kind Donation If you are unable to donate monetarily, consider donating individual items or volunteer time. If interested, please use the contact form

If you have any questions regarding donations, please email [email protected]